According to the Latvian national legislation, in order to take a decision to designate new protected areas, several documents are required. These documents are scientific substantiation, the developers of which are responsible for the validity, objectivity and completeness and a plan with referencing and borders of a scale laid down in the laws and regulations governing and completeness. Nature Conservation Agency will compile all of the necessary documentation about the proposed MPAs for Natura2000 network, inforation gathered in field inventories and reports prepared by BIOR and LIAE and prepare and submit it to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development.
Results in the Mid-term of the Project:
Partners of the project have agreed about new boundaries of existing marine protected areas. In addition, it has been decided to include in the network of marine protected areas the marine part of protected area Užava (LV0520300) which for now has remained the only Natura 2000 area in Latvia that has both a land and a marine part. In the picture below the situation of MPA network until the end of 2022 is shown with the boundaries of existing MPA where no changes are planned, consolidated area with adjusted boundaries, Užava, and the pilot-territories of the Project.