We invite you tonight, 19:30, in front of the TV screen! The premiere of the L...

The film "Baltic Sea Wildlife Refuge" tells about the nature of our Baltic Sea. Sometime...

Welcome to the Latvian National Museum of Natural History in Riga, K. Barona i...

Take a look into the Baltic SeaThe Latvian National Museum of Natural History is hosting an exhibit...

We invite you to a seminar on marine protected areas and coastal fisheries man...

The seminar will be held in LatvianThe Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Envir...

Round goby - an unwanted guest in Latvian waters

In recent years, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has become a pressing problem in Baltic Se...

The LIFE REEF project participated in the European Maritime Day conference in ...

On May 30 and 31, the European Maritime Days conference took place in Svendborg, Denmark. This impo...

We are ready to represent Latvia at the European Maritime Day in Svendborg, De...

The LIFE REEF project team will participate in the European Day of the Sea, which will take place t...



Collaborative exhibition "Look into the Baltic Sea" opening event

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Seminar "On Marine Protected Areas and Coastal Fisheries Management"

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The photo exhibition “Baltic Deep Sea” opening event at the Riga Main Library

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