We are ready to represent Latvia at the European Maritime Day in Svendborg, De...

The LIFE REEF project team will participate in the European Day of the Sea, which will take place t...

Latvia celebrates the twentieth anniversary of Natura 2000 and the Internation...

On May 21, Latvia, together with the rest of the European Union, celebrates the day of Natura 2000,...

Encourages reporting of tagged round gobies in the Baltic Sea

In order to study the Baltic Sea invasive species round goby, the LIFE REEFproject tagged and relea...

Baltic macoma (Macoma baltica): an important part of the marine ecosystem

The Baltic macoma (Macoma baltica), also known as the Baltic clam, is a small bivalve mollusk that ...

During bird nesting, estuaries of rivers Gauja, Ķikans, Lūžņa and Irbe are...

Photo: Sintija MartinsoneIn order to restore the former population of little terns Sternula albifro...

LIFE REEF project experts participated in a seminar in Berzciems about the cha...

In Berzciems, "Tarotava", the seminar organized by the State Fisheries Cooperation Networ...



The photo exhibition “Baltic Deep Sea” opening event at the Riga Main Library

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European Maritime Day, Svendborg 30-31 May 2024

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The European Maritime Day in Liepāja

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