On May 30 and 31, the European Maritime Days conference took place in Svendborg, Denmark. This important event brought together more than a thousand participants from all over Europe to discuss the current issues of the marine environment and jointly search for solutions for sustainable management.

The LIFE REEF team also participated in the conference to introduce the project's achievements and challenges to the conference participants. Four informational posters reflect four topics that are the basis of the project's daily work:

Development of nature protection plans for protected marine areas: The representatives of the project shared their experience on the progress of plan development and challenges related to the prevention of "paper parks" and progress towards effective management of marine areas.
Achieving the objectives of the Habitats Directive: Eutrophication, the spread of invasive species and the development of wind farms, which create competition for nature conservation interests, were cited as one of the biggest challenges. The project recalled the commitment of the EU member states to achieve the "30/10 goal" by 2030, which envisages protecting 30% of marine areas and 10% of coastal habitats.
Integrating ecosystem services into conservation planning: LIFE REEF demonstrated how these services can provide valuable information in the planning process and contribute to the sustainable use of marine resources.
Combating invasive species: The project team presented methods of combating the invasive round sea bream, which poses a threat to the biodiversity of local species.
The LIFE REEF stand stood out from the rest not only with its informative content, but also with its colorful and attractive design, complemented by the photos of the project's traveling photo exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea". The visitors highly appreciated the visual design of the stand and got to know with interest the project's achievements in the management of protected marine areas and the preservation of biological diversity.

The conference provided not only an opportunity to share experience and gain new knowledge, but also served as a platform for generating new project ideas, creating opportunities for cooperation and contacting like-minded people from all over Europe.

Next year's European Maritime Days conference will take place in Cork, Ireland, from 22-23 May. The LIFE REEF project team invites all interested parties to attend this important event and stand together for a clean and healthy sea!

In conclusion, it should be noted that LIFE REEF's participation in the European Sea Days was not only a valuable experience, but also a confirmation of the project's contribution to the protection and sustainable development of the marine environment.