In order to ensure success of the European Union's environmental and climate action LIFE project "Research of marine protected Habitats in the EEA and Determination of the Necessary Conservation status in Latvia" LIFE19 NAT/E/000973 REEF (hereinafter - the Project) on the basis of the Grant Agreement No. LIFE19 NAT/LV/000973 concluded on October 6, 2020 between the Nature Conservation Agency and the European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises EASME on the implementation of the Project, with a view of ensuring equal participation of economic sectors, social partners and non-governmental organizations, on January 4, 2021, based on Order No. 1.1/1/2021 by the Director General of the Nature Conservation Agency, a Steering Committee was established, entrusted with a task to monitor the implementation of the project REEF, to advise the project REEF management on strategic issues, to cooperate in the information implementation process and to get acquainted with the project REEF implementation process every year.

The Steering Committee includes representatives from the Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transport, National Cultural Heritage Board, State Environmental Service, Naval Coast Guard Service, State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement, University of Latvia Biology Institute, University of Liepaja, Latvian Ornithological Society, Foundation "World Wide Fund for Nature", association "Latvian Fishermen's Federation", association "Baltic Environmental Forum" and the Union of Local Governments of Latvia.