The activity will be focused on the analysis of MPAs network representativity, adequacy and connectivity, taking into account sites proposed for protection by this project. The analysis will include also replication criteria, although according HELCOM ecological coherence assessment (BSEP 148) the replication has reached desired quality level on the Baltic scale. The replication analysis considers the number of replicas in the assessment area what in case of this project is limited to Latvian territorial and EEZ borders. Therefore, assessment whether or not network of MPAs in Latvian marine waters is self-sustainable or not is needed.
The assessment will be done by using the methodology described in HELCOM Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 148 (BSEP 148). However, in addition to that the concept of “stepping stones” will be applied in connectivity analysis since, as already demonstrated in BSEP 148, some target species have very limited distribution range. Consequently, no feasible MPA network can be envisaged that would accommodate exchange of these species between MPAs. Therefore, it is essential to establish distribution routes and if deemed necessary foresee protective measures to keep those routes operational. In addition, to improve the conservation status of fish species (included in Directive 92/43/EEC Annex 2 and HELCOM Red List) maps will be produced informing of the essential fish habitats in Latvian EEZ and comparing their overlap with existing protected areas.