Replicability and Transferability Strategy will be designed whose principal objective will be the transfer of technical knowledge, results obtained in the project, problems encountered, and lessons learned during and after the end of the project. This Strategy will be a multiplier of the impact of the project, offering solutions found to a wide spectrum of territories where the habitats and species occur, both at a national as well as at regional level.


Results in the Mid-term of the Project:

Replicability and Transferability strategy include not only practical recommendations to facilitate transfer of LIFE REEF results in other organisations, sectors, entities, regions, and states, but also provides short descriptions of technical needs to implement concrete actions in the field and actions that need to be assured.

As it was foreseen in the developed Strategy, the results of the Project and knowledge of experts working on implementation of the Project are crucial for other interests of use of the Baltic Sea. All the collected data is used to provision opinions for different kinds of other interests in the Baltic Sea, for example wind-park development process, development of gas-terminal, assessment of trans-boundary environmental impact etc. Experts of the Project also participates with consultations and opinion for the development process to update Latvian Marine Spatial Plan 2030. EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 in Latvia for the Marine part will be implemented after the Project will finalise investigation in the field and preparation of proposals for new MPA. The Developed Management plan will serve as a tool for attracting other funding for habitat management and restoration.