Baltic Sea nowadays is an important environment and place for different kinds of industries, like fisheries, tourism, shipping, nature conservation, science, military training, wind-farm development etc. Within this Project it is planned to open up a discussion where all involved stakeholders will be invited to share their vision of management and use of marine waters in protected sites. Through discussions, results of previous monitoring data and research results of project actions, management plan for the conservation and management of marine habitats of Annex I, Council directive 92/43/EEC will be developed.
Results in the Mid-term of the Project:
Development of management plan for protected areas is strictly regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 686 of 9th October 2007 “Regulations on the Content and Procedure for the Development of a Nature Management Plan for a Specially Protected Nature Area”. At the first stage of implementation of this Action, proposals for amendments to the previously mentioned Regulations were prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. In the amendments some technical changes were made, and the most important change was to include the possibility to develop one management plan for similar territories.
The official development process of the management plan was started with organising four opening meetings where all stakeholders and other interested parties were introduced with our plans for development of the management plan. After opening seminars, an Order setting up a Consultative Group for the development of management plan was signed including 18 participants of different stakeholders like ministries, NGOs, local municipalities, state institutions and port authorities. Content and sections of the management plan are under development process with regular discussions and job allocations between the Project partners.
Additional pilot-case studies
Additional pilot-case studies were implemented in spring-summer season of 2022 with closure of three river estuaries during birds breeding season. In order to restore the former Sternula albiforns population in Kurzeme and Vidzeme, NCA closed three river estuaries from April 1 to August 1. During this period, people were encouraged to choose areas and routes for rest and walks on the beach that do not cross closed areas, taking special care to ensure that also the dogs do not cross fenced areas. Pilot-case studies at the end of the strict period were evaluated as successful as the public understood and desired to support the restoration of natural diversity. Already in the first year in closed areas it was possible to observe individual pairs of birds that are visiting, feeding and exploring the closed places. Pilot-case studies will be implemented in the further years, too, to understand if such kind of area closure can be included in the management plan of marine protected areas and how much does it cost.