The Web-site of the Project is developed as an interactive platform for dissemination and exchange of information among the Project, general public and stakeholders. The Web-site of the Project is linked with the sites of all the beneficiaries. Project also uses social media - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to reach more target audiences to introduce with the Project activities.
Results in the Mid-term of the Project:
Website of the Project was launched on 11th March 2021 both in Latvian and English versions. At the same time, accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were created.
The audience of the project's social networks has expanded significantly since their creation. The project's Instagram account has 158 followers, and 80 posts have been published on this social platform. Facebook account has 219 followers, Twitter account 31 followers. The project coordinator regularly monitors and checks that there are no false and unexciting profiles among social network followers that could cause any potential harm.
In order to ensure a wider audience, the project videos are published on the YouTube channel of the NCA. Ten videos are published in the video gallery on the project website. Two videos republished from Latvian Television news. These video clips broadly reflect the goals and tasks of the project and also invite public participation during the development of the nature protection plan. Eight videos have been made by the Project Coordinator about expeditions of project partners, fish, birds and alien invasive species.
During the reporting period, it has been possible to provide very wide publicity. In 2021, the LIFE REEF project was mentioned in 80 publications in various mass media, reaching a total audience of slightly over 2.5 million. In 2022, the Project was mentioned in 193 publications in various mass media, reaching a total audience of slightly over 5 million.