The photo exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea" created by the project project introduces alien invasive species - the Chinese mitten-crab and the round goby, also with boulders overgrown with blue mussel and bay barnacles, butterfish, long-spined bull-rout, flounder, four-horned sculpin, with an underwater oxygen producer pink algae and the promoter of water clarity - mussels and bay barnacles, as well as with the Aurelia aurita, which is the most common jellyfish in the Baltic Sea.

There are not many people who have seen with their own eyes such views of the Baltic Sea as we show in the exhibition. Such close-ups, captured deeper than 25 meters, have probably only been seen by marine researchers and professional divers. To provide an opportunity to see the sea the world to a wider circle of people, the exhibition will travel all over Latvia.

Information about location of the exhibition can be found HERE