Advancing Baltic Marine Plan with Latest Research Data
The Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development (VARAM) has taken a significant step towards updating Latvia's Marine Plan, holding the 15th meeting of the Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning Coordination Group on March 17, 2025. This meeting initiated the crucial process of incorp... -
Elwind offshore wind farm research site to be moved 7 kilometers further offshore
The Latvian research site of the joint Latvian-Estonian offshore wind farm project "Elwind" will be moved 7 kilometers further offshore at the initiative of the residents, the research site will cover an area of 200 square kilometers.The research site was approved by the government on Tu... -
Conference on the Baltic Sea, Coast and Salaca
More than 60 participants gathered at the offices of the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) in Salacgrīva for the conference The Baltic Sea, Coast and Salaca in Perpetual Motion and Change. Its objectives were to raise awareness of the Baltic Sea and the Salaca in the context of sustainable environmen... -
Underwater research reveals a deep structure uncharacteristic of the Baltic Sea
The project LIFE REEF, managed by the Nature Conservation Agency, carries out scientific research in the Latvian exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea. When surveying the shoal, the researchers concluded that the seabed in this place is drastically different from other places in the Baltic Sea, ... -
The fourth season of habitat mapping has ended
Do you know how habitat mapping works in the sea? This is not at all like the usual process of habitat mapping on land. In order to carry out habitat mapping works at sea, several influencing factors must coincide. One of the most important factors is the weather. Only in suitable weather the ship c... -
Next year, the continuation of discussions for representatives of all Baltic Sea managers is planned in Latvia!
Managers of protected marine areas from all Baltic Sea countries met face-to-face for the second time as part of the Protect Baltic project implemented by HELCOM to discuss the guidelines and plans for the management of protected marine areas, the assessment of management efficiency and the data por... -
The chosen fishing spot must be marked on the map!
Scientists currently do not have accurate information about the spatial distribution of fishing gear, so in order to minimize future restrictions on the industry, a questionnaire has been developed in which all coastal fishermen must provide information on the most critical fishing areas. Only then ... -
Permits issued for the fatal deterrent of grey seals from fishing gear
To address years of fishermen's frustration over the disturbance of coastal fisheries by grey seals Halichoerus grypus,the Nature Conservation Agency(the Agency) is this year for the first time issuing permits to 19 legal entities to lethally deter grey seals. The permits are issued under a numb... -
We invite you tonight, 19:30, in front of the TV screen! The premiere of the LTV1 documentary ''Baltic Sea – Wildlife Refuge''
The film "Baltic Sea – Wildlife Refuge" tells about the nature of our Baltic Sea. Sometimes it is calm and mysterious, sometimes it waves loudly - that's all we want to say that it is one of Latvia's natural business cards. It feels so much its own and yet - shared with so ma... -
Welcome to the Latvian National Museum of Natural History in Riga, K. Barona iela 4!
Take a look into the Baltic SeaThe Latvian National Museum of Natural History is hosting an exhibition on the underwater landscapes of the Baltic Sea and the diversity of living organisms found there. The exhibition consists of deep-sea photographic images and objects from the Museum's collectio... -
We invite you to a seminar on marine protected areas and coastal fisheries management
The seminar will be held in LatvianThe Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR, in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Agency and the Latvian Institute of Hydroecology, within the framework of the project "Research of protected marine habitats and determinat... -
Round goby - an unwanted guest in Latvian waters
In recent years, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has become a pressing problem in Baltic Sea waters, especially in the Latvian coastal area, posing challenges to local ecosystems.The natural range of this small but highly adaptable fish is in the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. Outside this ar... -
The LIFE REEF project participated in the European Maritime Day conference in Denmark
On May 30 and 31, the European Maritime Days conference took place in Svendborg, Denmark. This important event brought together more than a thousand participants from all over Europe to discuss the current issues of the marine environment and jointly search for solutions for sustainable management.T... -
We are ready to represent Latvia at the European Maritime Day in Svendborg, Denmark
The LIFE REEF project team will participate in the European Day of the Sea, which will take place this year in Svendborg, Denmark, from 30 to 31 May. This important event will bring together marine ecosystem experts, researchers, representatives of non-governmental organizations and policy makers fr... -
Latvia celebrates the twentieth anniversary of Natura 2000 and the International Day of Biological Diversity
On May 21, Latvia, together with the rest of the European Union, celebrates the day of Natura 2000, a network of protected natural areas of European importance. This year marks 20 years since Latvia joined this network, which aims to preserve Europe's rich biological diversity. On the other hand... -
Encourages reporting of tagged round gobies in the Baltic Sea
In order to study the Baltic Sea invasive species round goby, the LIFE REEFproject tagged and released 8 000 individuals of the species into the Baltic Sea over two years. With public involvement, 245 T-bar tags have been reported so far. This year, everyone is invited to report the capture of tagge... -
Baltic macoma (Macoma baltica): an important part of the marine ecosystem
The Baltic macoma (Macoma baltica), also known as the Baltic clam, is a small bivalve mollusk that is widespread along the coast of Latvia and elsewhere in the Baltic Sea. This species is ecologically important, serving as a food source for many species of marine animals and contributing to water qu... -
During bird nesting, estuaries of rivers Gauja, Ķikans, Lūžņa and Irbe are closed to visitors
Photo: Sintija MartinsoneIn order to restore the former population of little terns Sternula albifrons, the estuaries of Gauja, Ķikana, Lūžņa and Irbe are closed to visitors from May 1 to July 31. Little terns build their nests in the sand of beach and during nesting they are very sensitive to distur... -
LIFE REEF project experts participated in a seminar in Berzciems about the challenges of the Blue Economy
In Berzciems, "Tarotava", the seminar organized by the State Fisheries Cooperation Network "Challenges of Blue Economy for Balanced Development of Coastal Fisheries" took place. LIFE REEF project experts participated in the seminar to discuss current issues in coastal fisheries a... -
Ministers Unveil Ambitious Commitments to Protect Baltic Sea Marine Environment
The ministers and high-level representatives of the Baltic Sea coastal states and the EU gathered in Riga, Latvia, for the 2024 Ministerial Meeting on the Baltic Sea Marine Environment. They reaffirmed their strong commitment to continued joint efforts to reach a healthy Baltic marine environment. ... -
Riga Ministerial Meeting bolsters commitments for the Baltic Sea marine environment
On 25th April 2024, ministers and high-level representatives of Baltic Sea coastal states and the European Union will gather in Riga, Latvia at a joint meeting within the Latvian Chairmanship of HELCOM, for the 2024 Ministerial Meeting on the Baltic Sea Marine Environment. They will discuss the way ... -
Large quantities of invasive Atlantic rangia found in the Gulf of Riga
During the research planned in the LIFE REEF project, a large number of invasive Atlantic rangia Rangia cuneata was found in the Gulf of Riga, which until now has only been found in open waters in Latvia - in the port of Liepaja and Pavilosta. Early detection and investigation of invasive species al... -
World Water Day: A call for awareness of the value of water and sustainable management
On March 22, we celebrate World Water Day all over the world. This day is a call to pay attention to the importance of water resources and their sustainable management, because water is vital not only for human health and well-being, but also for the ecosystem of the entire planet.The theme of World... -
A meeting with the manager of the ports of Roja and Engure took place remotely
The purpose of the meeting between LIFE REEF nature protection experts and the manager of Roja and Engure ports was to discuss the impact of port operations on biodiversity and the Natura 2000 area, as well as to discuss the process of developing a nature protection plan.Roja is a small and cozy tow... -
A meeting was held with the manager of the Salacgrivas port of the municipality of Limbazu region
A meeting was held between LIFE REEF experts and the manager of the Salacgriva port of the Limbazu region municipality to discuss the impact of the port's operation on the environment and to promote the development of a nature protection plan.The port of Salacgriva is a historically significant ... -
Protection of natural and cultural heritage: synergy for a sustainable future!
A meeting was held with the representatives of the National Cultural Heritage Administration.Nature management plans are like a guide that helps to harmonize the interests of nature protection, use of natural resources and sustainable development of the region. They include scientific information ab... -
Bay barnacle (Amphibalanus improvisus)
The bay barnacle (Amphibalanus improvisus) is an unusual and fascinating sea creature that belongs to the subclass of crustaceans. Although, at first glance, specimens of this species look more like clams, they are crustaceans and belong to the group of lower crustaceans. This tiny but hardy crustac... -
A meeting was held with the municipality of Talsi region regarding the future nature management plan for marine protected areas
A productive meeting recently took place between LIFE REEF specialists and representatives from the Talsi region municipality. The focus? Crafting a future-proof nature management plan for the region's precious marine protected areas (MPAs).Nature management plans are like a map – they gui... -
Endangered little gulls (Hydrocoloeus minutus) in the waters of the Baltic Sea
Endangered little gulls (Hydrocoloeus minutus)have taken a liking to the waters of the Baltic Sea, concluded the Nature ConservationAggencyafter aerial surveys of birds in Latvian waters conducted in 2022 and 2023 as part of the "LIFE REEF" project.In both years, a total of 18,000 little g... -
Have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
As the year comes to a close, let's cherish the memories we have made and look forward to the new adventures that await us. May the spirit of Christmas fill your hearts with warmth and peace.... -
New poetry competition announced
LIFE REEF project invites schoolchildren from all over Latvia to participate in the poetry competition "The Sea in the Soul". Poetry entries must be sent by post to the office of Nature Conservation Agency (Meža māja, Ķemeri, LV-2012) by 8 March 2024 (postmark). The most interesting poetry... -
Study reveals low-moving lifestyle of round goby
Last year, the partner of the life REEF project of the Nature Conservation Agency, the Scientific Institute of Food Safety, animal Health and Environment “BIOR” (Institute), started research of the round goby on the Baltic Sea coast, releasing 8,000 round gobies with special marks on the... -
In cooperation-oriented negotiations, the first meeting of the Advisory Group on the management plan for Marine Protected Areas was held on October 18, 2023
The developersof the management plan for Marine Protected Areas and project experts presented the participants of the meeting with the planners and the work already done during the development of the nature plan and the proposals received so far regarding the information to be included in the nature... -
Researchers night 2023
Discover the mysterious world of waters!The Institute of Hydroecology of Latvia in cooperation with the Baltic Environmental Forum, writer Agnesi Vanaga, the student corporation "Selga" and the Nature Conservation Agency presented the current problems of the water environment and, walking ... -
An edition of life stories of people connected with the Baltic Sea will be created
In the LIFE REEF project implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency, an autobiographical edition of life stories "In the soul of the sea" will be created, which will reflect the life stories of marine hydroecologists, ichthyologists, fishermen and inhabitants of the Baltic Sea coast. An... -
Protected waters. How to improve the health of the Baltic Sea?
The Baltic Sea is tired of serving humans, according to alarming data showing that part of the seabed has been declared dead - virtually devoid of life. To ensure the "health" of the sea and its inhabitants, seven marine protected areas have already been designated in Latvia's coastal ... -
Last meeting of the Maritime and Coastal Spatial Planning Coordination Group
On 30 June, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development organised a meeting of the Maritime and Coastal Spatial Planning Coordination Group on the interests of the areas of environment and nature protection in the Marine Plan. The project partners provided four presentations at... -
On 15 June in Liepaja, we received frozen round gobies in the Nature Conservation Agency tent
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” asks for public involvement to get back the signs.The marking of round gobies will be carried out during the fishing seasons on 2022 and 2023 (April-June). A total of 8,000 fish (4,000 fish in the Gulf of Riga and 4,000 fish ... -
In Liepaja, an event was launched where one of the most advanced ships of the European scientific fleet “Aranda” was opened for public inspection
On 14 and 15 June, a number of measures were taken in Liepaja to promote public interest and active involvement in environmental and climate action to raise awareness of our impacts and our interaction with the sea and the ocean.On 14 June, in cooperation with the Finnish Embassy in Latvia, two Finn... -
How to implement a nature-friendly rest at sea - explains the State Environmental Service
As the warm weather begins, recreation in nature is becoming a routine activity for everyone, but in order for the rest to be nature-friendly, the State Environmental Service (SES) and the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) recall that a number of conditions must be taken into account, particularly wh... -
Also this year, we invite you to report on the marked round goby in the Baltic Sea
In order to more successfully study the round goby in the Baltic Sea and obtain the necessary data for the species management plan, this year alsothe LIFE REEFproject organizes the marking of the round goby with a T-bar mark and their release into the sea. The LIFE REEF project together with the Sci... -
During bird nesting, estuaries of rivers Gauja, Ķikans and Irbe are closed to visitors
In order to restore the former population of little terns Sternula albifrons, the estuaries of Gauja, Ķikana and Irbe are closed to visitors from May 1 to July 31. Little terns build their nests in the sand of beach and during nesting they are very sensitive to disturbances caused by people, especia... -
The conversation about the Baltic Sea and documentary film director’s Ievas Ozolinas short film “LESTU NAKTS”
In the exhibition hall "Riga Art Space" took place a conversation about the Baltic Sea and demonstration of documentary director Ieva Ozolina's short film “LESTU NAKTS”.LIFE REEF experts and researchers Solvita Strake and Peteris Daknis participated in the event to enrich v... -
The traveling photo exhibition “Baltic Deep Sea” can be viewed at Ventspils Main Library
The exhibition's opening event was held at 12:00 p.m. on March 2.At an event dedicated to the Baltic Sea, researchers from the Latvian Institute of Hydroecology also arrived at the main Library of Ventspils to enrich the life course of the underwater residents seen in the event's video stori... -
The LIFE REEF project has undergone a monitoring visit by Inta Duce, monitoring expert for NEEMO EEIG
All partners of the project participated in the visit – the nature Conservation Agency, the Food Safety, animal Health and Environment Institute of Food Safety, the Animal Health and Environment BIOR and the Latvian Hydroecology Institute. The project partners were informed of the progress and... -
Four-seminar cycle of nature protection plan compleated in February
LIFE REEF experts are actively continuing this year with the preparation of the content of the nature protection plan. The January seminar focused on 1110 sand banks at sea and 1170 stone banks at sea for habitat conservation status of marine habitats of European Union importance.The protection of h... -
An exhibition opening event was held at the Museum of Talsi County on February 3
At an event dedicated to the Baltic Sea, researchers from the Latvian Institute of Hydroecology arrived at the Talsi to enrich the life course of the underwater residents seen in the event's video stories and exhibition with their stories. To improve understanding and demonstrate visual insight ... -
An event dedicated to World Wetlands day was held at 14:00 on February 2 at the Latvian National Museum of Natural History
Photo: Gunta GabrāneExpanding the World Wetlands day theme “Marshes and the Sea” led to the premiere of short films produced by the Nature Conservation Agency project life REEF. Short films provide simple answers to various questions related to the marine environment and allow a glimpse ... -
110th year for nature protection in Latvia - among controversial national decisions and new international ambitions
Photo: Gunta Gabrāne2022 in the field of nature protection in Latvia and the world has brought about changes, rapid political decisions and many still unclear issues. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also affected nature conservation throughout the European Union (EU): the fast-moving Law on Faci... -
Second nature protection plan development seminar in hearty talks
Nearly returning from the Latvian State holiday, the project partners met at the second nature protection plan development seminar. The nature protection plan takes into account both the history and socio-economic characteristics of the site and the nature values and their potential hazards.During t... -
Overview of the traveling photographic exhibition “Baltic Deep Sea” in the Ādaži and Pāvilosta libraries
From 10 October to 31 October, the Ādaži library viewed the travelling photograph exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea".“During the library's work, many people came to view the exhibition – Ādaži and Carnikava residents, pupils, visitors from the Ādaži day care centre, as well as ev... -
Peoples recreation and work on the coast from a birds eye view
In Latvia, almost everyone has been to the sea coast, and those who visit it regularly may have noticed that there are usually birds there as well. Similar to people who sunbathe, walk, play sports, fish or work on the seashore, birds also engage in various activities there.In winter, you can meet w... -
The nature protection plan development seminar was successful
The seminar on the development of the nature protection plan was held in lively and interesting discussions. In order to ensure the easy application of the nature protection plan, the project partners shared ideas and responsibilities for the development of the plan at the seminar."The task of ... -
The LIFE REEF Project at the Night of Scientists
During this year's Researchers' Night, an exploration adventure of the “Underwater Kingdom” of the Baltic Sea took place in the territory of the LIFE REEF project partner Latvian Hydroroecology Institute. In person, 423 visitors enjoyed the event. Visitors were offered to discove... -
The traveling photo exhibition ''Baltic Deep Sea'' can be seen in Ādaži and Pāvilosta
On October 10 of this year at 15.00 in the Ādaži library (Gaujas iela 27B, Ādaži) we will open the traveling photo exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea". The works in the exhibition allow you to see the amazing depths of the Baltic Sea, its plants and animals. The exhibition will be visible in Ādaž... -
Location of the traveling photo exhibition
The photo exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea" created by the project project introduces alien invasive species - the Chinese mitten-crab and the round goby, also with boulders overgrown with blue mussel and bay barnacles, butterfish, long-spined bull-rout, flounder, four-horned sculpin, with an u... -
Baltic Sea under magnifying glass in the Night of Scientists
The Nature Conservation Agency and the Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology on the Night of Scientists, September 30, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. offer to explore the Baltic Sea, get acquainted with unusual marine research devices, view the traveling photo exhibition "Baltic Deep Sea", tr... -
An invasive freshwater jellyfish species was detected for the first time in Latvia
The experts from the Nature Conservation Agency confirm that invasive freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii have been observed for the first time in the pond of Drabešu Parish in Cēsis County. About the size of a two-euro coin, the white transparent jellyfish are not dangerous for human health... -
Preliminary survey of feather-thrower sea birds has been performed with a drone and telescope
In order to ensure the development of a high-quality management plan for the existing specially protected marine Natura 2000 territories “Nida - Pērkone”, “Akmensrags”, “Irbes šaurums”, “Rīgas līča rietumu piekraste”, “Selga uz rietumiem no Tūjas... -
Deep sea mapping will begin on the coast of Latvia
In August, the scientific research vessel "Mintis" of Klaipėda University will start research on the coast of Latvia in the Baltic Sea, which will carry out deep-sea mapping to help scientists study in detail protected marine habitats of EU importance, 1110 Sandbanks and 1170 Stony Reefs.&... -
At the end of the nesting season, three river estuaries are opened to visitors
At the end of the nesting season of birds nesting in seashore, the mouths of three rivers - Gauja, Ķikana and Irbe mouths, which were temporarily closed off in order to restore the former Little tern population, are again available to vacationers.Sintija Martinsone, the leading expert of the monitor... -
LIFE REEF participates in the Geocaching series for LIFE 30
In order to enrich the experience of knowledge of Latvian natural diversity with an educational entertaining element of the game, the “Geocaching for LIFE” series has been set up during the 30-year anniversary of the LIFE Programme. Geocaches have been deployed at the sites of the LIFE P... -
Pilot-territories got new names
Three potentially protected areas of the Baltic Sea have acquired new names - Zēgelnieku sēklis, Alku sēklis and Papes kalva, informs LIFE REEF project, who carries out scientific research in Latvia's exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea and studies three areas in depth in order to include ... -
BIOR calls for reporting on marked round goby in the Baltic Sea
The Nature Conservation Agency invites you to report on the marked round goby in the Baltic Sea. In order to more successfully study the round gobies found in the Baltic Sea and obtain the necessary data for the species management plan, it is planned to mark 8,000 representatives of the species on t... -
Proposals for the development of management plan for marine protected areas can be submitted by mid-July
After concluding four public meetings in Salacgrīva, Engure, Ventspils and Liepāja on the further development of marine protected areas, the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) asks to submit proposals for a vision for the further development of these areas by 16 July. "We thank everyone who took ... -
BIOR launches marking of round goby and asks for public involvement to get back the signs
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” (hereinafter - BIOR) within LIFE Programme Project “Research of marine habitats in EEZ and determination of the necessary conservation status in Latvia” Project No. LIFE19 NAT/LV/000973 LIFE REEF, started to mark ... -
Launch meetings of joint plan for marine protected areas
Development of a unified nature protection plan for the existing specially protected marine and Natura 2000 territories "Nida-Pērkone", "Akmensrags", "Irbes šaurums", “Rīgas līča rietumu piekraste”, "Selga uz rietumiem no Tūjas", "Vitrupe - Tū... -
Estuaries of Ķikans and Irbe are closed durign birds breeding period
In order to restore the former Sternula albiforns population in Kurzeme, the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) will close the estuary of the Ķikans and Irbe rivers from April 1 to August 1. During this period, people are encouraged to choose areas and routes for rest and walks on the beach that do no... -
LIFE REEF announces a competition for the names of specially protected marine areas
Last year project carried out scientific research in the exclusive economic zone of Latvia. Three sites were studied in depth to be included in the network of marine protected areas. These areas need names, so the project is launching a competition to get everyone involved.The largest of the newly d... -
Wintering sea birds are not afraid of the storm!
More than 30 species of waterbirds pass through the waters of Latvia's territorial and exclusive economic zone during the annual cycle. Most bird species are observed during migration or wintering, but some marine waters of the species are used as a place for changing feathers and driving babies... -
LIFE REEF monitoring visit 2021
On 24 November, a visit of the NEEMO EEIG Monitoring Expert Inta Dūce took place at 4 Voleru Street in Riga. The on-site visit was organised in "green mode", in addition to which rapid antigen tests were carried out prior to the meeting.All project partners - Nature Conservation Agency, In... -
Theory training for learning methodology of waterfolw counting from the aircraft successfully finished
On 13 November this year, the LIFE REEF project conducted a successful online training in the performance of waterfowl avio-counting above the Baltic Sea. As part of the training, the avio-counting methodology was presented to enthusiastic ornithologists, whose past experience has been in bird-watch... -
LIFE REEF successfully starts to cooperate with the Latvian National Museum of Natural History
The meeting of the LIFE REEF project team with representatives of the Latvian National Museum of Natural History was successful online on November 4. Representatives of LIFE REEF briefed on the planned works and activities in the field of public information and scientific data.In the course of the m... -
''Sea snow'' observed in Baltic Sea reef mapping expedition
In September, good weather conditions were expected for the study of the bottom of the Baltic Sea in the LIFE REEF project – from the port of Klaipeda with the sailboat “Brabander” and the accompanying flotilla – scientists went to study deep shoals and observed an unusual ph... -
Researchers finds very rare fish species in Baltic Sea
Researching the Baltic Sea reefs during the LIFE REEF project, this summer the researchers not only obtained valuable data on the state of the habitats on the seabed, but also encountered very rare fish species.A team of ichthyologists with a fishing vessel from the port of Ventspils went to Baltic ... -
Chinese mitten-crab Eriocheir sinensis
Chinese mitten-crab Eriocheir sinensis. During a walk along the coastline of the Baltic Sea, LIFE REEF team invites to observe nature biodiversity and report to the Manager of Invasive Species, if you meet the Chinese mitten-crab that is not representative species of Latvian Fauna.One of the main si... -
Common shelduck Tadorna tadorna
At the beginning of waterbird hunting season, we want to introduce to the Specially Protected Bird Species The common shelduck. Unfortunately, for the common shelduck, the beginning of the hunting of water birds is full of worries. Its chickens have not yet matured to go independent, as well as adul... -
LIFE REEF team takes part in the summer camp of the young riders
During the period from 12 to 14 July, summer camp “Discovering Coastal Secrets” for Latvian new riders took place near coastline of Gulf of Riga near Salacgrīva.On 14 July, the LIFE REEF project team introduced young students to marine biodiversity. At the beginning of the day, Solvita S... -
Bulls not only in meadows but also in the sea
As the midsummer festival is by the corner, the REEF project presents one of the species of sea bulls, the four-horned sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis.The fourth horn sculpin is a species of benthic fish that occurs both in the sea and in freshwater. It is a cold water-loving species and its nat... -
The first expedition in mapping reefs of Baltic Sea was successful
Marine research has taken place within the LIFE REEF project from 3 June to 7 June. With the sailing ship "Brabander" owned by Klaipeda University and the flotilla accompanying two boats, deep shoal surveys were carried out in the exclusive economic zone of Latvia. Various methods were use... -
A website has been set up to obtain public observations on the distribution of invasive species in Latvia
In order to make it easier to report the observed alien species and to obtain more information about the sites of invasive species in Latvia, the Nature Conservation Agency in the project LIFE-IP LatViaNature has set up an Invasive Species Manager online to help raise public awareness of invasive sp... -
How Kākaulis got its name
As the holidays approach, we want to introduce with “Kākaulis” Clangula hyemalis. In spring, it is often possible to hear the voice of Clangula hyemalis, which gives a special atmosphere to a quiet evening by the sea. When they get together, the whole sea seems to be singing. The Latvian... -
Video film of the Project activities
The film produced by the Nature Conservation Agency is in English and reflects the activities planned in the LIFE REEF project in a concentrated way.The scientific studies of the LIFE REEF project are needed to ensure the protection of habitats, which will contribute to both the improvement of fish ... -
REEF project can be found on social media
Please be welcomed to follow for news of the Project in social mediaAs social networks have become an integral part of society today, LIFE REEF takes advantage of the opportunities offered. The objectives, tasks, results and day-to-day work of the project will be regularly reflected in social networ... -
The sea bunny comes in Easter colors
As Easter approaches, we would like to introduce you with Sea Bunnies or lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). The lumpfish is still a mystery to most of the public, as it has no significant economic significance in the Baltic Sea. In Northern Europe, on the other hand, it is used in small quantities and i... -
Project Launch Seminar was held On-line
On March 24, the project launch seminar "Research of marine protected habitats in EEZ and determination of the necessary conservation status in Latvia" (hereinafter - “LIFE REEF project”) took place online and was attended by more than eighty participants. Andrejs Svilāns, Dire... -
Please be welcomed to LIFE REEF Launch Seminar
Within "Research of marine protected habitats in EEZ and determination of the necessary conservation status in Latvia" (hereinafter LIFE REEF project) it is planned to map and explore marine habitats of European Union importance Stony Reefs nad Sandbanks in the baltic Sea propper within 41... -
REEF project has held the first meeting of the Steering Committee
After successful nomination of participants and the issuance of an order on the establishment of a Steering Committee, the first meeting of REEF project management team and all members of the Steering Committee was held online. Online meeting was organized on February 24, 2021, with the presence of ... -
The project partners met at the first group meetings
The first week of the new year was quite busy for the team of project REEF with first two meetings taking place online. The first meeting on the MS Teams platform took place on January 7. The aim of the meeting was to get to know each other, which was successfully done by all 18 participants of the ... -
Research on marine habitats has started
Combating invasive alien species at sea, research and mapping of marine habitats, as well as proposals for the protection of specially protected fish and bird species - all of this is planned in the project "Research of Marine Protected Habitats and Determination of the Necessary Protection Sta... -
Established Steering Committee of the Project
In order to ensure success of the European Union's environmental and climate action LIFE project "Research of marine protected Habitats in the EEA and Determination of the Necessary Conservation status in Latvia" LIFE19 NAT/E/000973 REEF (hereinafter - the Project) on the basis of the ... -
LIFE REEF receives the award as the best new project
At this year's award ceremony of the European Union's LIFE program, “LIFE REEF” project for the development of marine protected areas prepared and implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency (hereinafter - the Agency), launched this autumn, received an award as the highest rate...